The People Behind the Pink Curtain

Pamela Thompson
Ok so weird to write about myself so lets just say I am a NYC trained fashion designer who was lucky enough to work for some of the most amazing people including Anna Sui, Betsey Johnson and fabulous label Heatherette. My husband David and I moved to Chicago to be near family when our daughter was born. I quickly realized that there was no fashion industry to go to in Chicago and I needed an outlet for my fashion obsession. From that Tiny Frock Shop was born (circa 2010); a new and resale clothing and accessory online Department store for 12" fashion dolls. Hey that's me at 12 with Barbie!
Pamela Thompson's Portfolio
Jean Thompson
Mama extraordinaire, TFS associate, my biggest help and my best friend. Jean is an integral part of TFS styling, giving advise, buying, deboxing, reminding, organizing, schlepping to the post office, listing items and sending orders. Quite simply the store would have some real trouble running without her help. A part of the business since 2015, every day is a treat at TFS when "Mom" is around. She won the coveted Best Employee trophy of 2020! Not to mention she keeps me knee deep in the important things in life, Cheetos and Coca-Cola. Does your Mom do that? LOL! Love you Mom.

Lily Thompson
CEO, teenager, my amazing daughter, Manga artist and owner for Café Miniature. Lily has been with TFS from the start. She is creative, smart, beautiful and kind. She may not be as into dolls as her Mom but she nevertheless has a strong entrepreneurial spirit. She has a love of styling, Manga, Anime, kitties, music, tv, baking, travel, Japan and all things cool. She is a great soundboard when I need someones opinion on style and any creative endeavors in the store. Love ya kid!

David Thompson
Ok so Dave? Not a fan of dolls in any way shape or form. So why you ask is he on "the team"? Because he encouraged me to start my own business and has been a supportive partner in all my ventures, whether successful or not since 1998. He is my love and my rock. So as much as he thinks my business is insane and mainly doesn't want much to do with it, it would never have happened or continued to be my passion and livelihood with out him. Thanks my Jer. I love ya!

John Thompson
It is hard to say what John's role is with Tiny Frock Shop. He is super creative and a regular MacGyver who always comes up with inventions to help our daily processes flow better. He is a master de-boxer and sorter of tiny things. As much as he comments about how he can't understand who buys this tiny stuff, we think he secretly loves it. He even won Employee of the Month one time! He is hilarious and keeps us laughing. Every little bit of help at Tiny Frock Shop helps and we appreciate it. Love ya Dad.

Mimo Thompson
Mimo? She is always there as my headrest when printing orders or working on the store. She is an expert at sleeping on the back of my chair and staying on it when the chair moves. She is soft and cuddly and doesn't get in the way but most importantly she is good company. Ok so she doesn't do more than that really but does she need to? She is so darn cute. There is also Rocco our boy but he is usually assisting David during the day.

Rocco Thompson
Rocco is darn cute but not much help I must say. He loves to interupt my flow with his crazy meowing and mostly monitors things from the top of the stairs. Does he like little things? Well not really but he loves to stay on my printer tray and break it. He is still an important part of the Tiny Frock day and adorable to boot.
Members of the Designer Collective

Customfashiondolls by Adrian Verdugo
Adrian is amazing! He has been rerooting dolls for over 3 years and counting and his work is always evolving! From straight middle parts to micro braids, Adrian is always pushing the envelope with style. He offers custom rerooted full dolls for sale and within our Designer Collective Adrian will reroot your doll in any number of premade styles in any color! Follow him on Instagram at @customfashiondolls
Have Adrian Reroot Your Doll Today!
Pam Maness
Southern gal from Northeast Mississippi. Artist and lifelong crafter. Pam has become an integral part of Tiny Frock Shop, designing and creating in all categories. She creates jewelry, scarves, and rehabs vintage clothing. There are no bounds to her creativity!

Ginger Baldwin
Canadian-born, naturalized Texan Ginger S. Baldwin credits her artistic outlook on everything in life to coming from a long line of strong creative women. She applies that approach, supplemented with hefty doses of curiosity and playfulness, to her fine art, her craft art, and the miniatures she creates, in equal measure.

Ash Decker
Ash lives in Florida with her large family, and creates lovely, one-of-a-kind accessories for both 12 and 18 inch dolls. She has been creating and selling her pieces for 20+ years.

Dress That Doll
Adorable bedding, pop art pillows, Christmas decor and more to dress up your dolly home. Designed by Patricia from Brazil!

Maryann Roy
Maryann Roy - Owner/Designer of "Welcome Home" - Furnishings and Set design in 1:6 scale. Maryann's designs are known world-wide for their artistic, intrinsic value and her portfolio includes work for toy companies, window displays for jewelry stores and designer boutiques. Maryann is a self taught Artist. You can see more of work on the Welcome Home blog!
Welcome Home By Maryann Roy
Littlest Sweet Shop
Nadia Michaux's amazing miniatures handmade in polymer clay. Nadia is from the UK and an expert in her field. She has recently been featured in the first cast of "The Great Big Tiny Design Challenge with Sandi Toksvig". We are proud to be the USA representive of her work.
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....all the cool kids are doing it:)